Focus of the Day: God's Provision

  • Focus of the Day: God's Provision

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4

Proverbs 29:13
"The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: The LORD gives light to the eyes of both."

God has given His Light to the world.  Do you walk in it?  Or do you hide from it?  In John 3:19-20, he tells us that those practicing evil hate the light and do not come to it, lest their deeds are exposed.  But in verse 21, John tells us that he who practices truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen and--here's the kicker--that they have been done in God.  Who are these good deeds done in?  Man?  No.  God?  Yes!  We can do nothing good apart from Him! 
God has been teaching me this truth in my own life lately.  I try and try to be good and to love others and to not judge others--but it comes to naught.  And then I feel guilty because I couldn't do that and aren't I a Christian and supposed to love others and not judge them and do good and why is that so hard for me? 
Its because I can't do that--but if I will let go and let God, He can do infinitely more than I can even think or imagine!  Its so freeing to know that I really can't do all these things myself--only Jesus can do them through me if I will be willing and obedient.  This is really a place where I have seen first hand what can happen if I will cease striving and know that He is God. 
Praise God for His grace when I mess up again and again because I try to do things on my own.  Praise Him for His mercy that He can still chooses to use me--a sinner saved by grace.

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